In presenza di terreni cedevoli o non idonei alla realizzazione di fondazioni in C.A., La NUOVA PERFORAZIONI s.r.l esegue lavori specializzati nel sottosuolo, realizzando micropali e tiranti mediante trivellazione e rotopercussione e iniezioni di consolidamento. Abbiamo in dotazione macchinari per la perforazione di varie dimensioni che ci permettono sia di operare in spazi ristretti, sia di poter offrire le nostre prestazioni in grossi cantieri.


When grounds are yielding or not suitable for feinforced concrete foundations, NUOVA PERFORAZIONI s.r.l. is prepared to carry out special underground works by realizing micro-piles and tension bars with percussion or rotation drilling and reinforcement grout injections. Our Company owns machinery of different sizes, allowing to operate in narrow spaces and to offer our services for large building yards.
NUOVA PERFORAZIONI s.r.l. is prepared to carry out whatsoever test on site, within drilling holes. For all geognostic research load tests, tear tests, permeability tests are performed, and all operations relating to final analysis and test protocols on site, including design of berlin-type bulkheads, bulkheads against avalanche and earth-mass, safety net barriers to contain discharging of dangerous fronts.


En présence de terrains instables ou non - adaptés à la réalisation de fondation en C.A. , "La NUOVA PERFORAZIONI" s.r.l . exécute des travaux spéciaux dans le sous-sol, implantant des micro-poteaux et des tirans gràce au forage, à la roropercussion et à des injections pour consolider. "LA NUOVA PERFORAZIONI" s.r.l. exécute n'importe quelles démonstrations sur le site dans les puits de perforation. Sur toutes les recherches géognostiques, elle effectue des essais de charge, d'arrachement, de perméabilité et tout ce qui concerne les annalyses finales et les contròles des chantiers, ansi que le projet de vannes, paravalanges, grillage pour empécher les éboulements dangereux.